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Lend and Mend

Sewing machines ready to use in a brightly decorated library

Everyone benefits when we share resources. Give your things a new lease of life when you borrow and fix at your local library Lend + Mend Hub!

About the Lend and Mend project

ANGUSalive Libraries are pleased to announce that Forfar Library has been selected to be part of a trailblazing new project to create Lend and Mend Hubs in nine public libraries across Scotland.

This project was made possible due to funding from the John Lewis Partnership’s £1m Circular Future Fund managed by the Scottish Library and Information Council to form a network of sustainable circular hubs throughout Scotland.

The projects follow a co-design approach bringing together local knowledge and expertise to ensure each hub is tailored to community needs. The hubs will give communities free access to repair, reuse and upcycle everyday items, to help keep items in use for longer, rather than them being thrown away.

How to book

To become a member of the Lend and Mend service and make use of the equipment within Forfar Library, you need to be a member of ANGUSalive Libraries.

Once you’ve completed a brief induction, you can book the times and equipment you require either online through your library account or via any member of library staff in any ANGUSalive library.

If you’re not a library member, then you can join our libraries online here but you need to come into Forfar Library to complete your full membership and brief induction prior to using the service for the first time.

We look forward to welcoming you soon and seeing the new and exciting creations you make!

Other items available

As well as the bookable equipment, we have everything you need to repair, reuse and upcycle your existing garments.

We have a range of items to assist you in re-imagining your garments into wonderful new creations from tape measures, scissors, bobbins, chalk, fabric pens, elastic, buttons, pin cushions, wundaweb, dressmaker’s paper and glue guns to an iron, ironing board, fabric bin and mannequins. We also have a rail of clothing and material available to use.

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